Meet Karen

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Karen McGlinchey


License # RS327320

Meet Karen

Karen McGlinchey knows that listening is one of the most powerful ways to connect to another person. “My clients say that I actually sit down and listen to them on appointments instead of only talking about myself.” This philosophy is a hallmark of her relationships with her clients and a key component of her success. Active listening enables Karen to better focus on the small details and allows her to understand their needs and focus her attention on helping them achieve their real estate goals.

Licensed in 2015, Karen has already amassed an impressive number of accolades. She earned the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation and is a proud Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES®). Karen has also earned the Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation, the premier credential in seller representation. Her prior work in commercial real estate contributed to her stellar organizational and negotiating skills. In addition to her business savvy, Karen’s creative flair is evident in her interior design and home staging skills. To prepare a home for sale, she assists her clients in creating a customized plan that is tailored and focused, resulting in a picture-perfect outcome.

Her insider knowledge of the neighborhoods she serves is a plus for buyers and sellers. She focuses her attention on Philadelphia, Montgomery County, Chestnut Hill, Manayunk/Roxborough, Flourtown, Glenside, Fort Washington, and Oreland. She enjoys working with clients at all stages of life, from first-time homebuyers seeking their starter homes to seniors ready for downsizing. Karen also has expertise in estate sales and prides herself on taking the stress off the shoulders of those who may have recently lost a loved one.

Empathetic, professional, and communicative are just some of the adjectives used to describe Karen McGlinchey’s pleasant and lively personality. Are you seeking an agent who will listen first, ask the right questions, and individualize a plan to meet your needs?